Monday 7 December 2015

new update

Just a quick update on my progress.

Currently I have just started my magazine after planning the page layouts and doing personal experiments. I hope to finish it very soon and then clean up my folders and make pages for raw imagery still present in my folders.

I estimate that my pages should come to about 85-90 after getting rid of useless files.

I have just over a week to get this all finished.

Friday 27 November 2015

Darksiders art

Art of Darksiders II

I was just looking at fantasy character art and came across this...

This game is called Darksiders. An excellent fantasy game on ps4 and ps3.

Benefits of blogging

Benefits of Blogging and reflecting.

There are various benefits of blogging and reflecting upon work you have done in the past or in a current project.

Firstly, blogging is a very quick and efficient way to share ideas or thoughts you have had about something. Not only can you make it easier by sharing and saving this information but also is accessible 24/7. Lets take me for an example. If my brain is loaded with ideas and I don’t want to forget them, I can share this via a blog and store this information. Ultimately, I can share ideas, get other peoples opinion and give it a think.

Blogging is absolutely free. It takes about 2 minutes to actually post a blog and save it. Not to mention it is used by nearly every big Youtuber or celebrity. It is an excellent way to reach out to the fans and connect to people worldwide; sharing your personal ideas and thoughts.

Reflecting on your work is a skill everyone has been taught since primary school or if not, should be taught. Looking through past work is beneficial since it saves time if you have to redo a piece of work, let’s you find mistakes and allows you to make quick improvements.

Before handing in a project that you have been working for months, it is best to reflect upon it first so even if you get the work back or get a grade that doesn’t satisfy you, it clicks instantly In your head what you need to do.
